Underdog Pokemon Tournament - Nominees

Pokemon Status
Abomasnow Active
Abra Active
Accelgor Active
Aegislash Winner of the Best Underdog Steel Type Tournament
Aerodactyl Winner of the Best Underdog of Classification: Other Reptiles Tournament
Aggron Winner of the Best Underdog From Canalave Gym Tournament
Aipom Active
Alcremie Winner of the Best Underdog From Ballonlea Stadium Tournament
Alolan Exeggutor Active
Alolan Meowth Active
Alolan Muk Active
Alolan Raticate Active
Alolan Rattata Active
Alolan Sandshrew Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 7 Pokemon of Shape: Bipedal and Tailed Tournament
Alolan Sandslash Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 7 Blue Pokemon Tournament
Alomomola Active
Ambipom Active
Amoonguss Active
Annihilape Active
Anorith Winner of the Best Underdog Fossil Pokemon Tournament
Araquanid Active
Arbok Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 61.0kg-65.9kg Tournament
Arboliva Winner of the Best Gen 9 Underdog with a Signature Ability Tournament
Arctibax Active
Armaldo Winner of the Best Underdog From Oreburgh Gym Tournament
Armarouge Winner of the Best Gen 9 Underdog with a Signature Move Tournament
Aromatisse Active
Aron Winner of the Best Gen 3 Underdog With A 4x Weakness Tournament
Arrokuda Active
Articuno Winner of the Best Gen 1 Underdog With A 4x Weakness Tournament
Avalugg Active
Azumarill Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "A" Tournament
Azurill Active
Bagon Active
Baltoy Active
Barbaracle Active
Barboach Active
Barraskewda Active
Basculin Active
Bastiodon Active
Bayleef Winner of the Best Underdog Starter Pokemon Tournament
Beartic Active
Beautifly Active
Beedrill Winner of the Best Underdog of Classification: Hymenopteran Tournament
Beheeyem Active
Beldum Active
Bellibolt Active
Bellossom Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "B" Tournament
Bellsprout Active
Bergmite Active
Bewear Winner of the Best Underdog Fighting Type Tournament
Binacle Active
Blacephalon Active
Blastoise Winner of the Best Underdog Water Type Tournament
Blissey Active
Boltund Active
Bombirdier Active
Bounsweet Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 3.0-3.9kg Tournament
Braixen Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 6 Pokemon of Shape: Bipedal and Tailed Tournament
Brambleghast Active
Braviary Active
Brionne Winner of the Best Underdog That Evolves By Leveling - Gen 7 Tournament
Bronzong Active
Bronzor Active
Bruxish Active
Buneary Winner of the Best Underdog That Evolves With High Friendship Tournament
Bunnelby Active
Burmy Active
Butterfree Winner of the Best Underdog White Pokemon Tournament
Cacnea Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 3 Pokemon of Shape: Bipedal and Tailless Tournament
Cacturne Winner of the Best Underdog Dark Type Tournament
Calyrex Active
Camerupt Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 195.0kg-259.9kg Tournament
Capsakid Active
Carbink Winner of the Best Gen 6 Underdog With A 4x Weakness Tournament
Carkol Active
Carnivine Active
Carvanha Active
Castform Active
Caterpie Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "C" Tournament
Celesteela Active
Cetitan Active
Chansey Active
Charjabug Winner of the Best Underdog That Evolves At A Specific Location Tournament
Chatot Winner of the Best Underdog of Classification: Psittacopasseres Tournament
Cherrim Winner of the Best Underdog of Egg Group: Grass Tournament
Cherubi Active
Chesnaught Active
Chespin Winner of the Best Gen 6 Underdog of Egg Group: Field Tournament
Chewtle Active
Chi-Yu Winner of the Best Underdog Pokemon of Shape: Fins Tournament
Chingling Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 4 Pokemon of Shape: Bipedal and Tailless Tournament
Cinderace Winner of the Best Gen 8 Underdog with a Signature Ability Tournament
Clamperl Active
Clauncher Active
Clawitzer Winner of the Best Underdog of Height 1.3m Tournament
Claydol Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 96.0kg-108.9kg Tournament
Clobbopus Active
Cloyster Winner of the Best Underdog From Circhester Stadium (Ice) Tournament
Coalossal Active
Cobalion Active
Combee Winner of the Best Underdog Yellow Pokemon Tournament
Combusken Active
Comfey Active
Conkeldurr Active
Copperajah Active
Corphish Winner of the Best Underdog From Hulbury Stadium Tournament
Corvisquire Winner of the Best Underdog Regional Bird Pokemon Tournament
Cottonee Winner of the Best Underdog of Egg Group: Fairy Tournament
Crabominable Active
Crabrawler Active
Cradily Winner of the Best Underdog Green Pokemon Tournament
Cramorant Active
Cresselia Winner of the Best Underdog of Shape: Serpentine Tournament
Crocalor Active
Croconaw Winner of the Best Underdog Used by a Gen 4 Rival Tournament
Crustle Winner of the Best Underdog From Circhester Stadium (Rock) Tournament
Cryogonal Active
Cubchoo Winner of the Best Underdog From Icirrus Gym Tournament
Cufant Active
Cursola Winner of the Best Underdog Ghost Type Tournament
Cyclizar Active
Darmanitan Active
Darumaka Active
Dedenne Winner of the Best Underdog Pikaclone Tournament
Delibird Active
Deoxys Winner of the Best Underdog With Multiple Forms Tournament
Dewpider Active
Dhelmise Winner of the Best Underdog Pokemon of Shape: Head and Base Tournament
Dialga Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "D" Tournament
Diglett Active
Dodrio Active
Doduo Winner of the Best Underdog of Classification: Ratite Tournament
Dondozo Active
Dottler Active
Doublade Winner of the Best Underdog of Shape: Multiple Bodies Tournament
Dragalge Winner of the Best Underdog Dragon Type Tournament
Drakloak Winner of the Best Underdog of Egg Group: Amorphous Tournament
Drapion Active
Drednaw Active
Drifblim Winner of the Best Underdog Pokemon of Shape: Head and Arms Tournament
Drilbur Active
Drizzile Active
Drowzee Active
Druddigon Active
Ducklett Active
Dugtrio Active
Duraludon Active
Durant Active
Dusclops Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 29.0kg-30.9kg Tournament
Dusknoir Winner of the Best Underdog Black Pokemon Tournament
Dustox Active
Eelektrik Active
Eelektross Winner of the Best Underdog Electric Type Tournament
Eiscue Active
Ekans Winner of the Best Underdog of Classification: Snake Tournament
Electabuzz Active
Electivire Active
Electrike Active
Elekid Active
Elgyem Winner of the Best Low-Scoring Underdog of Class C (Low-Middle Low-Scorers) Tournament
Enamorus Active
Escavalier Winner of the Best Low-Scoring Underdog of Class A (Lowest Low-Scorers) Tournament
Espathra Active
Excadrill Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "E" Tournament
Exploud Active
Falinks Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "F" Tournament
Farfetch'd Active
Fearow Active
Feebas Active
Ferroseed Active
Ferrothorn Active
Flittle Active
Floatzel Winner of the Best Underdog From Cascarrafa Gym Tournament
Floette Active
Florges Winner of the Best Underdog From Alfornada Gym Tournament
Flutter Mane Winner of the Best Underdog Pokemon of Shape: Head Tournament
Foongus Active
Forretress Active
Fraxure Active
Frigibax Active
Frogadier Active
Froslass Winner of the Best Underdog Ice Type Tournament
Fuecoco Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 9 Pokemon of Shape: Bipedal and Tailed Tournament
Furfrou Active
Furret Winner of the Best Underdog Brown Pokemon Tournament
Galarian Farfetch'd Active
Galarian Linoone Winner of the Best Underdog That Evolves Depending On Time Tournament
Galarian Meowth Active
Galarian Mr. Mime Active
Galarian Slowbro Active
Galarian Slowking Active
Galarian Slowpoke Active
Galarian Zapdos Winner of the Best Legendary/Mythical Underdog with a Signature Move Tournament
Galarian Zigzagoon Winner of the Best Gen 8 Underdog With A 4x Weakness Tournament
Garbodor Winner of the Best Underdog From Virbank Gym Tournament
Garganacl Active
Genesect Active
Geodude Active
Gholdengo Active
Gigalith Winner of the Best Underdog From Hammerlocke Stadium Tournament
Gimmighoul Active
Girafarig Winner of the Best Underdog From Saffron Gym Tournament
Glalie Active
Glameow Active
Glastrier Winner of the Best Underdog of Height 2.1m-2.4m Tournament
Gligar Winner of the Best Underdog Pokemon of Shape: One Pair of Wings Tournament
Glimmora Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 9 Blue Pokemon Tournament
Gliscor Winner of the Best Gen 4 Underdog With A 4x Weakness Tournament
Gloom Winner of the Best Underdog Used by a Gen 7 Rival Tournament
Golbat Active
Goldeen Active
Golem Winner of the Best Low-Scoring Underdog of Class D (Middle Low-Scorers) Tournament
Golett Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "G" Tournament
Golisopod Winner of the Best Gen 7 Underdog with a Signature Ability Tournament
Golurk Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 5 Pokemon of Shape: Bipedal and Tailless Tournament
Gorebyss Active
Gossifleur Active
Gothita Active
Gothitelle Active
Gothorita Active
Gourgeist Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 11.0kg-12.9kg Tournament
Grafaiai Active
Granbull Active
Grapploct Active
Graveler Active
Greavard Active
Greedent Active
Grimer Active
Grimmsnarl Active
Grotle Winner of the Best Low-Scoring Underdog of Class F (Second Highest Low-Scorers) Tournament
Groudon Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 3 Pokemon of Shape: Bipedal and Tailed Tournament
Grumpig Active
Gumshoos Active
Hakamo-o Winner of the Best Underdog of Egg Group: Dragon Tournament
Hariyama Active
Hattrem Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 8 Pokemon of Shape: Bipedal and Tailless Tournament
Hawlucha Winner of the Best Underdog From Shalour Gym Tournament
Heatmor Active
Heatran Active
Helioptile Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "H" Tournament
Heracross Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 2 Blue Pokemon Tournament
Herdier Active
Hippowdon Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 260.0kg-389.9kg Tournament
Hisuian Braviary Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 43.0kg-47.9kg Tournament
Hisuian Decidueye Winner of the Best Gen 8 Underdog with a Signature Move Tournament
Hisuian Goodra Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 8 Pokemon of Shape: Bipedal and Tailed Tournament
Hisuian Growlithe Winner of the Best Underdog Fire Type Tournament
Hitmonchan Active
Hitmonlee Active
Hitmontop Winner of the Best Underdog From Veilstone Gym Tournament
Ho-Oh Winner of the Best Underdog Legendary Pokemon Tournament
Hoopa Active
Hoothoot Active
Houndour Winner of the Best Underdog From Lavaridge Gym Tournament
Houndstone Active
Hypno Active
Illumise Active
Impidimp Active
Incineroar Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "I" Tournament
Indeedee Active
Inteleon Active
Iron Hands Active
Iron Jugulis Active
Iron Treads Active
Jangmo-o Winner of the Best Underdog With Ability: Soundproof Tournament
Jellicent Active
Jumpluff Winner of the Best Underdog From Eterna Gym Tournament
Jynx Active
Kabuto Winner of the Best Underdog From Rustboro Gym Tournament
Kabutops Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "K" Tournament
Kakuna Active
Kangaskhan Winner of the Best Underdog From Petalburg Gym Tournament
Kartana Winner of the Best Low-Scoring Underdog of Class G (Highest Low-Scorers) Tournament
Kecleon Winner of the Best Underdog of Classification: Lizard Tournament
Kilowattrel Active
Kingambit Active
Kingdra Winner of the Best Underdog From Sootopolis Gym Tournament
Klang Active
Klawf Active
Kleavor Active
Klefki Winner of the Best Underdog From Laverre Gym Tournament
Klink Active
Klinklang Active
Koffing Active
Komala Active
Kommo-o Winner of the Best Gen 7 Underdog with a Signature Move Tournament
Koraidon Winner of the Best Gen 9 Underdog With A 4x Weakness Tournament
Krabby Active
Kricketot Active
Krokorok Winner of the Best Underdog From Driftveil Gym Tournament
Kubfu Active
Lairon Winner of the Best Underdog That Evolves By Leveling - Gen 3 Tournament
Lanturn Winner of the Best Underdog From Lumiose Gym Tournament
Larvesta Winner of the Best Gen 5 Underdog With A 4x Weakness Tournament
Larvitar Winner of the Best Underdog Rock Type Tournament
Latios Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "L" Tournament
Ledian Winner of the Best Underdog of Classification: Beetle Tournament
Ledyba Active
Lickilicky Active
Lickitung Active
Lileep Active
Lillipup Active
Linoone Winner of the Best Underdog of Classification: Musteloidea Tournament
Litleo Active
Lokix Active
Lombre Active
Lopunny Winner of the Best Gen 4 Underdog of Egg Group: Field Tournament
Loudred Active
Ludicolo Active
Lumineon Active
Lunatone Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 140.0kg-189.9kg Tournament
Luvdisc Active
Machamp Active
Machop Active
Magcargo Winner of the Best Underdog Red Pokemon Tournament
Magearna Winner of the Best Legendary/Mythical Underdog with a Signature Ability Tournament
Magikarp Winner of the Best Underdog That Evolves By Leveling - Gen 1 Tournament
Magmar Active
Magnemite Winner of the Best Underdog From Vermilion Gym Tournament
Magneton Winner of the Best Underdog That Evolves With An Evolution Stone Tournament Active
Magnezone Active
Makuhita Winner of the Best Underdog From Dewford Gym Tournament
Malamar Winner of the Best Underdog From Spikemuth Gym Tournament
Mamoswine Winner of the Best Underdog From Snowbelle Gym Tournament
Manaphy Active
Mandibuzz Active
Manectric Winner of the Best Underdog From Mauville Gym Tournament
Mankey Active
Mantine Winner of the Best Underdog From Humilau Gym Tournament
Mantyke Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 4 Blue Pokemon Tournament
Mareanie Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "M" Tournament
Marowak Winner of the Best Gen 1-6 Underdog with a Signature Move Tournament
Marshtomp Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 27.0kg-28.9kg Tournament
Masquerain Active
Medicham Active
Meditite Active
Melmetal Active
Meltan Active
Meowth Winner of the Best Underdog From Goldenrod Gym Tournament
Mesprit Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 4 Pokemon of Shape: Bipedal and Tailed Tournament
Metagross Winner of the Best Underdog of Egg Group: Mineral Tournament
Metang Active
Metapod Active
Mienfoo Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 19.0kg-20.9kg Tournament
Mienshao Winner of the Best Underdog of Egg Group: Human-Like Tournament
Miltank Active
Mime Jr. Active
Minior Winner of the Best Underdog Gimmick Pokemon Tournament
Minun Active
Moltres Active
Monferno Active
Morgrem Active
Mothim Active
Mr. Mime Active
Mr. Rime Active
Mudbray Winner of the Best Underdog of Classification: Equidae Tournament
Mudsdale Winner of the Best Underdog Ground Type Tournament
Muk Active
Munchlax Winner of Underdog Baby Pokemon Tournament
Munkidori Active
Munna Winner of Best Underdog of Weight 21.0kg-23.9kg Tournament
Murkrow Winner of Best Underdog Bird Tournament
Musharna Winner of Best Gen 5 Underdog of Egg Group: Field Tournament
Naclstack Active
Natu Winner of Best Underdog From Mossdeep Gym Tournament
Nickit Winner of Best Gen 8 Underdog of Egg Group: Field Tournament
Nidoking Winner of Best Underdog From Fuschia Gym Tournament
Nidoqueen Winner of Best Underdog From Viridian Gym Tournament
Nidoran♀ Winner of Underdog of Classification: Lagomorpha Tournament
Nidoran♂ Winner of Best Male Only Underdog Tournament
Nidorina Winner of Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "N" Tournament
Nidorino Active
Nincada Active
Ninjask Winner of Best Underdog Flying Type Tournament
Noctowl Active
Nosepass Active
Numel Active
Nuzleaf Active
Nymble Active
Obstagoon Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "O" Tournament
Octillery Active
Oddish Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 1 Blue Pokemon Tournament
Ogerpon Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 9 Pokemon of Shape: Bipedal and Tailless Tournament
Omastar Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 35.0-37.9kg Tournament
Onix Active
Oranguru Active
Orbeetle Active
Oricorio Winner of the Best Gen 7 Underdog With A 4x Weakness Tournament
Orthworm Active
Oshawott Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 5 Blue Pokemon Tournament
Palafin Active
Paldean Tauros Active
Palpitoad Active
Pangoro Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 6 Pokemon of Shape: Bipedal and Tailless Tournament
Pansage Active
Paras Active
Parasect Active
Passimian Active
Pawmi Winner of the Best Gen 9 Underdog of Egg Group: Field Tournament
Pawmo Active
Pawmot Active
Pawniard Active
Pelipper Active
Perrserker Active
Persian Winner of Best Underdog Normal Type Tournament
Petilil Winner of Best Underdog From Artazon Gym Tournament
Pheromosa Active
Phione Active
Pidgeot Active
Pidgeotto Winner of Best Underdog From Violet Gym Tournament
Pidgey Active
Pidove Winner of Best Underdog From Aspertia Gym Tournament
Pignite Active
Pikipek Active
Piloswine Winner of Best Underdog of Height 1.1m Tournament
Pincurchin Active
Pineco Active
Pinsir Active
Plusle Active
Poipole Active
Politoed Winner of the Best Underdog From Cerulean Gym Tournament
Poliwag Active
Poliwhirl Active
Poliwrath Winner of the Best Underdog From Cianwood Gym Tournament Active
Porygon-Z Winner of the Best Genderless Underdog Tournament
Primeape Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 31.0kg-32.9kg Tournament
Prinplup Active
Probopass Active
Pupitar Active
Purrloin Active
Purugly Active
Pyroar Active
Quaquaval Active
Quilladin Active
Qwilfish Active
Rapidash Winner of the Best Underdog From Cinnabar Gym Tournament
Raticate Active
Rattata Active
Regice Active
Regidrago Active
Regieleki Active
Regigigas Active
Regirock Active
Registeel Active
Relicanth Winner of the Best Underdog With Ability: Swift Swim Tournament
Rellor Active
Revavroom Active
Rhydon Active
Rhyhorn Winner of the Best Underdog With a Non-Standard Colour Variant Tournament
Ribombee Winner of the Best Underdog Fairy Type Tournament
Rillaboom Active
Roggenrola Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 16.0kg-18.9kg Tournament
Rookidee Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "R" Tournament
Roselia Winner of the Best Underdog From Coumarine Gym Tournament
Runerigus Winner of the Best Underdog Pokemon of Shape: Head and Base Tournament
Salamence Active
Salandit Winner of the Best Underdog Poison Type Tournament
Sandaconda Active
Sandslash Winner of the Best Underdog From Pewter Gym Tournament
Sandy Shocks Active
Sandygast Active
Sawk Active
Sceptile Winner of the Best Underdog With a Mega Evolution Tournament
Scizor Winner of the Best Underdog Pokemon of Shape: 2+ Pairs of Wings Tournament
Scovillain Active
Scrafty Active
Scraggy Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 5 Pokemon of Shape: Bipedal and Tailed Tournament
Seadra Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "S" Tournament
Seedot Active
Seismitoad Active
Sentret Winner of the Best Underdog That Evolves By Leveling - Gen 2 Tournament
Seviper Winner of the Best Gen 3 Underdog of Egg Group: Field Tournament
Sewaddle Winner of the Best PokeStar Opponent Pokemon Underdog Tournament
Shelgon Active
Shellder Winner of the Best Underdog From Mahogany Gym Tournament
Shellos Winner of the Best Underdog From Pastoria Gym Tournament
Shelmet Active
Shieldon Winner of the Best Underdog of Classification: Dinosaur Tournament
Shiftry Active
Shroodle Active
Shroomish Winner of the Best Underdog of Shape: Head and Legs Tournament
Sigilyph Winner of the Best Underdog From Anistar Gym Tournament
Silicobra Active
Simipour Active
Simisage Active
Simisear Active
Sirfetch'd Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 110.0kg-118.9kg Tournament
Sizzlipede Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 1.0kg-1.9kg Tournament
Skarmory Winner of the Best Underdog From Mistralton Gym Tournament
Skiploom Active
Skorupi Active
Skrelp Winner of the Best Underdog That Evolves By Leveling - Gen 6 Tournament
Skuntank Active
Skwovet Active
Slakoth Active
Slowbro Winner of the Best Underdog Psychic Type Tournament
Slowking Active
Slugma Winner of the Best Underdog Used by a Gen 6 Rival Tournament
Slurpuff Active
Sneasel Winner of the Best Gen 2 Underdog With A 4x Weakness Tournament
Sneasler Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 8 Blue Pokemon Tournament
Snorunt Winner of the Best Underdog From Snowpoint Gym Tournament
Snubbull Active
Sobble Winner of the Best Underdog That Evolves By Leveling - Gen 8 Tournament
Solrock Active
Spewpa Winner of the Best Underdog From Santalune Gym Tournament
Spidops Active
Spinarak Winner of the Best Underdog From Azalea Gym Tournament
Spoink Winner of the Best Underdog of Classification: Pig Tournament
Spritzee Active
Squawkabilly Active
Stakataka Winner of the Best Underdog of Height 4.5m+ Tournament
Stantler Active
Staraptor Winner of the Best Underdog From Medali Gym Tournament
Staravia Active
Starly Winner of the Best Underdog That Evolves By Leveling - Gen 4 Tournament
Starmie Winner of the Best Underdog Purple Pokemon Tournament
Staryu Winner of the Best Low-Scoring Underdog of Class E (High-Middle Low-Scorers) Tournament
Steelix Winner of the Best Underdog From Sunyshore Gym Tournament
Steenee Active
Stonjourner Active
Stoutland Winner of the Best Underdog Gray Pokemon Tournament
Stufful Winner of the Best Underdog From Stow-on-Side Stadium (Fighting) Tournament
Stunfisk Active
Stunky Active
Sudowoodo Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 38.0kg-39.9kg Tournament
Sunflora Active
Sunkern Active
Surskit Winner of the Best Underdog of Egg Group: Water 1 Tournament
Swadloon Winner of the Best Underdog Middle Evolution Tournament
Swanna Active
Swellow Active
Swirlix Active
Tadbulb Active
Taillow Active
Tandemaus Winner of the Best Underdog That Requires Unique Conditions To Evolve Tournament
Tangela Winner of the Best Underdog That Evolves When It Knows A Specific Move Tournament
Tangrowth Active
Tapu Lele Active
Tarountula Active
Tatsugiri Winner of the Best Underdog With Multiple Pokedex Colors Tournament
Tauros Winner of the Best Underdog of Classification: Bovidae Tournament
Teddiursa Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 2 Pokemon of Shape: Bipedal and Tailed Tournament
Tentacruel Winner of the Best Underdog of Egg Group: Water 3 Tournament
Tepig Winner of the Best Underdog That Evolves By Leveling - Gen 5 Tournament
Thievul Active
Throh Active
Ting-Lu Active
Tinkatuff Winner of the Best Underdog That Evolves By Leveling - Gen 9 Tournament
Toedscool Active
Toedscruel Active
Togedemaru Active
Togetic Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 2 Pokemon of Shape: Bipedal and Tailless Tournament
Torchic Winner of the Best Underdog Mystery Dungeon Player Pokemon Tournament
Torkoal Winner of the Best Underdog of Classification: Turtle Tournament
Tornadus Active
Torracat Winner of the Best Underdog With Ability: Intimidate Tournament
Toucannon Winner of the Best Underdog That Resembles a Pride Flag Tournament
Toxapex Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "T" Tournament
Toxel Active
Toxicroak Winner of the Best Underdog Used by a Villainous Team Leader Tournament
Tranquill Active
Trapinch Winner of the Best Underdog Pokemon of Shape: Insectoid Tournament
Trevenant Winner of the Best Underdog Pokemon of Shape: Tentacle/Multiped Tournament
Tropius Winner of the Underdog Grass Type Tournament
Trumbeak Active
Tsareena Active
Tynamo Winner of the Best Underdog From Levincia Gym Tournament
Tyrunt Winner of the Best Underdog From Cyllage Gym Tournament
Unfezant Active
Unown Active
Ursaring Winner of the Best Gen 2 Underdog of Egg Group: Field Tournament
Uxie Active
Vanillish Active
Vanillite Active
Vanilluxe Active
Varoom Active
Veluza Active
Venonat Winner of the Best Underdog From Cortondo Gym Tournament
Venusaur Winner of the Best Underdog of Egg Group: Monster Tournament
Vespiquen Winner of the Best Female Only Underdog Tournament
Vibrava Winner of the Best Underdog With Ability: Levitate Tournament
Victini Winner of the Best Underdog Mythical Pokemon Tournament
Victreebel Active
Vikavolt Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "V" Tournament
Vileplume Winner of the Best Underdog From Celadon Gym Tournament
Vivillon Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 6 Blue Pokemon Tournament
Volbeat Active
Volcanion Active
Vullaby Active
Wailmer Active
Wailord Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 3 Blue Pokemon Tournament
Walrein Active
Watchog Active
Wattrel Active
Weavile Winner of the Best PokeStar Trainer Pokemon Underdog Tournament
Weedle Active
Weepinbell Active
Weezing Active
Whirlipede Winner of the Best Underdog From Castelia Gym Tournament
Whiscash Winner of the Best Underdog of Egg Group: Water 2 Tournament
Wigglytuff Winner of the Best Underdog Gen 1 Pokemon of Shape: Bipedal and Tailless Tournament
Wingull Active
Wobbuffet Active
Woobat Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With "W" Tournament
Wugtrio Active
Wurmple Winner of the Best Underdog Bug Type Tournament
Wynaut Active
Wyrdeer Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 87.0kg-95.9kg Tournament
Xatu Winner of the Best Underdog From Fortree Gym Tournament
Xurkitree Winner of the Best Ultra Beast Tournament
Yanma Winner of the Best Underdog of Egg Group: Bug Tournament
Yanmega Active
Yungoos Active
Zacian Active
Zapdos Winner of the Best Underdog of Weight 48.0kg-52.9kg Tournament
Zebstrika Winner of the Best Underdog Whose Name Starts With an Uncommon Letter Tournament
Zorua Winner of the Best Gen 1-6 Underdog with a Signature Ability Tournament
Zubat Active

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